
AA & S is here to make poultry farmers and veterinary medical professionals of Ghana and West Africa happy, since they are very much the heart of our business. AA & S will, therefore, create the best value for the poultry and animal industry to make us their preferred program provider of quality day-old chicks, effective vaccines and vaccination strategies, prompt after-sales disease-detection and control, and top-notch husbandry and nutrition consultants.


AA & S has the perfect entrepreneurial team:

To be the No.1 value-for-money provider of improved breeds of vaccinated chickens and vaccines to commercial and non-commercial poultry farmers in West Africa for a stronger food system, and to empower women in small rural communities through training and transfer of knowledge for wealth creation through effective management of their farms.

Core Values

AA & S is “unafraid to set the bar high”:

  • One Health Medicine Approach;
  • Customer- and Society-Oriented Wealth Creation;
  • Healthy Hatchery Practice, and ln-Ovo and Day-Old Chick Vaccination;
  • Human-Oriented Management;
  • Ethical Avian Management and Treatment;
  • Co-op Values for Rural Poultry Farmers;
  • Sustainability through Elimination of “Short-termism”.